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Control in the Kitchen

As a culinary school graduate a key point every chef instructor drilled into us was control. Control of

  • Food Quality

  • Food Cost

  • Food Waste

Food Quality

The quality of the food you purchase will show in the dishes you serve. Always purchase the very best quality you can afford. High quality food translates to the best food you can serve.

Control Food Quality by

  • Buying food that is in season

  • Buying food that is local to your area

Food Cost

In the restaurant business food cost is the ratio of the cost of ingredients and the revenue those ingredients generate when a menu item is sold. At home this is the cost of putting together a meal and what each serving costs.

For example if you are serving a bowl of pasta with fresh tomatoes and Parmigiano-Reggiano for four people.

  • 16 oz spaghetti = $1.06

  • 1/2 lb fresh tomatoes = $1.50

  • 1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano = $4.39

Cost for the entire dish is $6.95. The cost for each dish is $1.74.

Your food cost is how you can manage your budget. Knowing how much what your serving d costs helps keep your budget in tact.

Food Waste

Utilizing your food completely reduces food waste and thereby keeps your food cost down.

Let's look at a carrot we are going to roast.

What if in step 1 you place those peelings in a freezer bag and use them for stock - no waste.

What if in step 2 you place the carrot top in a freezer bag and use them for stock - no waste.

Third if you make enough for your meal and use it up for leftovers - no waste.

Take this one step further...after using the peelings and tops in step 1 & 2 place them into the compost. Composting and then using that compost to grow vegetables not only means no waste but becomes the beginning of a closed loop of savings!

Consider how you purchase for your meals and utilize each product completely, you just might find some savings in your grocery purchases!

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